Gabe's Story

Our son Gabe came into this world with a quiet strong will. I use the word Quiet because the first two years of his life he was silent. Gabe could laugh and cry BUT other than that he never made a sound. Don't get me wrong he was a great baby never fussed, slept through the night, breast-fed like a champ, and was happy!! It never even hit me until it was time for him to physically move. He never rolled over or sat up on his own unless I helped him.

My mom being a nurse was worried and voiced concern. I worked on him for a month and finally got him to sit up on his own at 9 months. He sat up for another 4 months BUT never attempted to move any other way. On his first birthday I watched him learn to scoot on his bum positioning his entire body and using only his left hand to reach a balloon. I was so happy he was moving only to realize 3 months later at his first evaluation he was low toned and would need to start physical therapy.

After the first evaluation Jordan and I were shocked at what we heard and were sent on to a pediatric specialist to rule out possible genetic syndromes.

Within the first 10 minutes of the exam Dr. Sampson-Fang told me she was not worried about his lack of movement that he will get there with therapy BUT she looked right at me and said "Does Gabriel talk?" "Has he ever babbled?" It hit me like a ton of bricks my son doesn't speak! How as his mother did I not notice he never cooed or babbled. He never mimicked back an utterance. Had I been so busy not to pay attention to the milestones Gabe should have been hitting. I felt like such a failure. That is when I heard the term Apraxia for the first time.

Three months later , tubes in his ears , glasses on his face and his strong will Gabe took his first step. His voice came much later.

Gabe is now 4.5 years old and has been going to speech therapy twice a week for 2 years. He has a component of childhood speech apraxia and auditory processing disorder. Gabe physically fought to take his first step and has to fight even harder to FIND HIS VOICE. When I hear him say anything it takes my breath away because it truly is a miracle. How we all take for granted how easy it is to speak. Speech therapy with Maria has been the key to unlocking Gabe's voice with that being said its also very expensive .

Jordan and I have tried to come up with numerous ways to fund raise and that is why we are changing our blog. This coming spring we will be having an annual garage sale and we will be hosting a 5K to raise money to help with the cost of therapy and schooling. In the meantime if there is anything anyone would like to donate I will be selling items on KSL and Ebay. This blog will keep everyone updated on any new information.We feel so grateful and blessed for all the support we have received and want you all to know we love you! One day Gabe can look back and say THANK YOU !

Thanks for helping me find my voice!!

Thanks for helping me find my voice!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Race Prep

Xander, Gabe, Hollie, Campbell and I are getting ready for the race!

Gabe may turn out to be a runner.... We train at the Clearfield Aquatic Center by primarily running on the track that surrounds the basketball courts. I had to really slow them down because they were sprinting for about 3 laps and then dying and not being able to continue the trek.... so I have taught them how to jog at a steady pace.

Xander does a great job of setting a goal of 9-12 laps and running until it is done. Gabe tends to run and run and run! Sometimes he gets mad when we leave because he wants to keep going and it is very cool. He is just into it and it shows. I am so proud of the boys and how active they are.... we are all rallying around this cause even Xander likes to give Gabe the attention.

They are both using ipods while running and usually I can see them either mouthing the words or singing out loud. Either way they do it I love it and it truly warms my heart to see them have fun and learn to do this together.

Hollie was spinning pretty consistently and has added running and "Biggest Loser" exercise programs to her game. She is totally getting ready and making goals on how we are going to do this race... should we throw the kids in a jogging stroller and go or should we just have them there for the beginning and leave it at that... we are not sure at this point.

Training with Gabe and finding his voice in mind has brought a tremendous amount of inspiration to what I am doing. If I am running and want to give up... I think of Gabe trying to learn a difficult word and suddenly I have the energy to keep going. If I want to sleep in I think about Xander running laps at the Aquatic Center for his brother and I think to myself, "how could I let my boys down?, how could I not give them all I have to make this a special event?" and I keep pushing. There is no doubt that I feel in my heart an overwhelming desire to help inspire my son to work through his issues and not settle for anything less than success.

He will look back at this someday and say, "Can you believe I couldn't speak? HA!"

We are also making special T-Shirts for those that sign up in Gabe's name. The design will be done soon so please stay tuned.

Please enjoy the pictures and know that the Sandberg's are training and doing everything we can to make the Legacy Midnight Run a very special event for the family and all that participate.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Blogging is so hard for me!! I never know what to say and if I'm saying it the right way BUT with Gabe's disability and fundraising I want to make sure I'm keeping everybody up to date and informed. I also want to keep this blog to show Gabe's progress to those who struggle with the same disability.

Gabe is WORKING his butt off. I know it sounds strange to say BUT for the past 2.5 yrs. of therapy every time he goes in we tell him to work hard. Because that is exactly what he has to do to get those words out. He has to work hard!

His last session Maria tested him again . What it basically says is Gabe sounds like a typical 2.5 year old but comprehends and acts like a 4.5 yrs. old. I know its frustrating for him to feel like a 4.5 year old but not be able to express himself clearly. Its hard to understand him and people always do a double-take when hearing him for the first time. Its gut wrenching when people ask "What's your name?" and he pulls my arm, bows his head and whispers to me "Help me"... I say "No tell them your name" and it takes a few minutes to get Gabe out and it doesn't even sound like his name. It's going to get better and Maria is the key to unlock Gabe's voice. This test gives Maria a roadmap of where to go from here. She has seen Gabe for 7 months and I have seen outstanding results and know there is more to come.

Well, in return Jordan and I are working hard and doing everything possible so that Gabe can get all the help he needs. I came up with the idea of the garage sale from a friend's recent adoption garage sale. I worked last year at a preschool and the money I made helped pay for Gabe's speech. Well, with the new addition to our family (Campbell) I'm no longer able to teach with a baby in the classroom. So in the fall I got the idea Why don't we throw an annual garage sale with donated items and use that money to pay for speech. Then the wheels started turning and Jordan decided to do a race as well. I never thought we would have so many people donate and sometimes simply write us a check to put towards Gabe's fund.

Words cannot even express how truly grateful we are. My Grandma Jo passed on our blog to an old friend of hers for prayers and in return this kind lady sent on a check . I have never even met this woman but I know she will forever be in my heart. God is truly amazing and I know he is looking out for us. We did not go into this looking for a free handout . We will work our butts off trying to do everything we can to help our son. The donations are amazing and we are so grateful for all the help we have received thus far. Thank You!! It will never be forgotten. I'm in the process of creating a list of the names of all those who have donated so Gabe can see all the people cheering him on to find his voice. My goal is to write every week on his progress and video his sweet voice for all of you to hear. To be continued...

Sunday, January 9, 2011